The Leading Edge LEM00888 Skinception A.H.A. Toner for Cell Renewal removes makeup and residue that ages the skin and stimulates natural collagen production for a better complexion. By penetrating at a cellular level, the toner acts as a youth-friendly collagen protection against pollutants and environmental toxins that can enter your pores and prematurely age your skin. Even chlorine and minerals commonly found in tap water can accelerate the aging process. Your skin has a normal pH balance between 5 and 6 with most soaps disrupting this balance and forcing your skin to work over time to bring your pH back to its normal range. The LEM00888 is designed to minimize this pH disruption, while reducing the excess oiliness that leads to acne. The toner also helps protect your complexion by removing dirt, makeup and residue, shrinking pores, protecting against sun damage and has a low alcohol content. At the beginning of each day and again in the evening, after cleansing, apply the Skinception A.H.A. Toner with a cotton ball. Contains fruit enzymes and extracts to help nurture the skin. Skinception blends the most recent developments in skin care technology with the healing properties of natural skin care to create high quality and safe-to-use products for your health, beauty, confidence and quality of life. Since 1999, Leading Edge Health has been an industry leader in providing digestive health, anti-aging, skin care and general health products designed to make you feel more youthful, attractive and vibrant without the use of harmful prescription drugs. Created by medical professionals and with more than 50,000 affiliate partners worldwide the Leading Edge Health brand is a trusted source for quality products you can feel good about using.
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