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Old El Paso Fiesta Twists, Zesty Ranch, Crispy Corn Snacks, 5.5 oz
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Old El Paso Fiesta Twists, Zesty Ranch, Crispy Corn Snacks, 5.5 oz

Product ID: 483988024
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Crispy and Crunchy with a twist. Bring the whole family together during snack time with Old El Paso Zesty Ranch Fiesta Twists. These light and airy corn twists have a satisfying crunch that will be unlike your typical savory snacks. These fun shaped corn twists are packed with some of your favorite southwestern flavors. Old El Paso Fiesta Twists feature the perfect blend of delicious zesty ranch and salty corn and contains no trans fat. This fun and friendly snack food adds satisfying flavor to snack bags or the office snack drawer. Old El Paso Fiesta Twists make great, delicious fun for both kids and adults. Contains one 5.5 oz snack bag in total. CRISPY CORN SNACKS: Old El Paso Fiesta Twists feature light and airy corn twists with a satisfying crunch and packed with your favorite southwest flavors ZESTY RANCH: A uniquely delicious savory and salty snack with a blend of tasty Mexican-inspired Zesty Ranch flavor PARTY AND PANTRY FAVORITE: Keep the party interesting with these fun and crispy snacks; Stock your pantry to share with friends and family ON-THE-GO SNACK: Individual bag perfect for the lunchbox or a grab and go snack as you head out the door; Made with crispy corn and contains no trans fat CONTAINS: 5.5 oz

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Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

2 days ago

Neha S.

Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

2 weeks ago

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